Teacher Training
YA-CEP 25-Hour Kids Yoga Teacher Training
25小時兒童瑜伽導師培訓課程 (YA-CEP認證課程)
15/11/2019 (Fri) 6pm-9pm
16/11/2019 (Sat) 9am-6pm
17/11/2019 (Sun) 9am-6pm
(Early-bird: $2,988, Before 15/10)
(fabYOGA student: 5% off)
導師:Josephine CHAN
Date and time:
15/11/2019 (Fri) 6pm-9pm
16/11/2019 (Sat) 9am-6pm
17/11/2019 (Sun) 9am-6pm
Tuition fee :$3,288
(Early-bird: $2,988, Before 15/10)
(fabYOGA student: 5% off)
Josephine CHAN (Canada)
Early Childhood Educator ,
Registered Yoga Teacher , E-RYT200, RCYT
- Self-Discovery -
200小時瑜珈導師課程 (RYT-200)
星期六日及公眾假期 (9:00am-7:00pm)
22, 23, 29/2
1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29/3
4, 5, 10-13/4
星期三、五 (6:30pm-10:00pm)
26, 28/2
4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27/3
*課程包括10堂Intensive Class (逄星期六 2:15-3:45pm) , 學員需於3/5/2020前完成
Sheila Chan (E-RYT 500)
- 500-hour Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course (International Yoga Academy)
- 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course - Multistyle Yoga (Trimurti yoga)
$27888 (2019年12月31日前報名)
$30888 (正價)
完成課程及合格的同學,可以獲發由Yoga Alliance 認証的RYT-200瑜珈導師資格。
200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (RYT-200)
Date and time:
Saturday and Sunday (9:00am-7:00pm)
22, 23, 29/2
1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29/3
4, 5, 10-13/4 (Easter Holiday)
Wednesday and Friday (6:30pm-10:00pm)
26, 28/2
4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27/3
*10 Intensive classes are included in this course. Participants should complete the classes before 3/5/2020.
About the teacher
Sheila Chan
Sheila teaches yoga techniques, philosophy and teacher trainings across the countries and now based in Poland. She completed two yoga teacher trainings in Dharamsala and Chennai, India. She also practice Vipassana (taught by S.N. Goenka), which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation.
- 500-hour Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course (International Yoga Academy)
- 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course - Multistyle Yoga (Trimurti yoga)
Tuition fee :$30,888
(Early-bird: $27,888, Before 31/12/2019)
*Full attendance is required for the course.
Participants will receive certificate authorized by Yoga Alliance. (RYT 200)
30小時瑜珈輪導師證書課程 (YA-CEP) Level 1 & 2
Level 1 (15小時) : 4-5/1/2020 (9:00am-5:30pm)
Level 2 (15小時) : 11-12/1/2020 (9:00am-5:30pm)
Level 1 & 2
Level 1
Level 2
Level 1
開啟上背及肩膊 (Upper back & Shoulder Sequence)
前彎練習之式子 (Forward-bending Sequence)
平衡練習之式子 (Balancing Sequence)
Level 2
瑜珈輪後彎練習 (Backbending Sequence)
力量及核心肌肉訓練 (Power Yoga Sequence)
瑜珈輪倒立練習 (Inverse Yoga Sequence)
Katie Mak (E-RYT 200)
自2007年起開始接觸瑜伽,先後考獲200及300小時瑜伽導師證書,更曾前往澳洲及印度Chennai進修並完成Master of Yoga & Naturopathy課程。
數年間,累積教授瑜伽輪的心得和經驗,及跟隨Dharma Yoga Wheel老師Darren取得瑜伽輪導師課程證書。Katie擅長利用瑜伽輪練習不同程度的動作,令學生享受瑜伽輪的好處和樂趣。
• 200小時瑜珈導師證書
• 300小時瑜珈導師證書
• 100小時產前產後瑜珈導師證書
• Master of Yoga & Naturopathy
• 15小時瑜珈輪證書課程
• 50小時Thai Yoga Massage 證書課程
30-hour Wheel Yoga Teacher Training (YA-CEP)
Level 1 (15 hour): 4-5/1/2020 (9:00am-5:30pm)
Level 2 (15 hour): 11-12/1/2020 (9:00am-5:30pm)
Tuition Fee
Level 1 & 2
-Regular: $7488 (Early bird: $6988)
Level 1
-Regular: $3800 (Early Bird: $3588)
Level 2
-Regular: $4200 (Early Bitd: $3888)
*Suitable for yoga teachers or yoga practitioners who are interested in yoga wheel
Level 1
-History & Philosophy of Yoga Wheel
-Basics of applied anatomy when using Yoga Wheel
-How to incorporate Yoga Wheel in your practice and teaching
Upper back & Shoulder Sequence
Forward-bending Sequence
Balancing Sequence
-How to safely spot your students in the class
Level 2
-How to incorporate Yoga Wheel in your practice and teaching
Backbending Sequence
Power Yoga Sequence
Inverse Yoga Sequence
-How to safely spot your students in the class
Katie Mak (E-RTY 200)
Katie started her yoga journey since 2007 and earned her teacher training certificates in Hong Kong and Australia. She also completed the Master of Yoga & Naturopathy Course to deepen her knowledge in yoga. Katie’s teaching is fun yet practical. She could lead you how to teach yoga wheel with different approaches according to body types and class levels.
300-hr advanced hatha yoga teaching training certificate course(level 1-3)
200-hr yoga teaching training certificate course
100 hr RPYT Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training
Master of Yoga & Naturopathy
15-hour Yoga Wheel Teaching Certificate (level 1)
50-hour Thai Yoga Massage