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Teacher Training


YA-CEP 25-Hour Kids Yoga Teacher Training

25小時兒童瑜伽導師培訓課程 (YA-CEP認證課程)

兒童瑜伽(Kids Yoga)是一個感知的過程,透過具創意和趣味的瑜伽練習,啟發兒童認識自己的身心感受,了解情緒和身體各部分,並通過正念思維與呼吸練習,讓他們學習專注和釋放壓力,從而在學習瑜伽動作時,培養出掌握和平衡身體力量的技能。


1. 兒童瑜伽的理論及概念
2. 解構學習瑜伽與孩童心理及行為的關係
3. 如何透過故事及唱遊方式,教授兒童瑜伽
4. 設計和教授一個有趣而合適的兒童瑜伽課堂




15/11/2019 (Fri) 6pm-9pm
16/11/2019 (Sat) 9am-6pm
17/11/2019 (Sun) 9am-6pm

(Early-bird: $2,988, Before 15/10)
(fabYOGA student: 5% off)

導師:Josephine CHAN

Yoga for children is a creative and intuitive process, connecting the breath with the body in engaging and playful ways. It is a both social and personal practice, with many opportunities for children to connect with oneself and with others. Yoga for children extends outside the studio as mindfulness-based practices build skills to reduce stress and resilience.

Through practicing strength, balance and focus in the body, children can increase these skills to support them in their school lives. Ultimately, the goal of yoga is to empower children through creating a caring environment that supports autonomy, belonging and competence.


1. Fundamentals of Children's Yoga
2. Introduction to Yoga and Mindfulness based practices to support learning, behaviours and emotional literacy.
3. Yoga for Children through Stories & Songs
4. Lesson Planning a Developmentally Appropriate Yoga Class

This course is suitable for yoga instructors, school teachers, early childhood development professionals or parents.

Date and time:

15/11/2019 (Fri) 6pm-9pm
16/11/2019 (Sat) 9am-6pm
17/11/2019 (Sun) 9am-6pm

Tuition fee :$3,288 
(Early-bird: $2,988, Before 15/10)
(fabYOGA student: 5% off)

Josephine CHAN (Canada) 
Early Childhood Educator ,
Registered Yoga Teacher , E-RYT200, RCYT

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