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Teacher Training


- Self-Discovery -

200小時瑜珈導師課程 (RYT-200)





星期六日及公眾假期 (9:00am-7:00pm)

22, 23, 29/2

1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29/3

4, 5, 10-13/4


星期三、五 (6:30pm-10:00pm)

26, 28/2

4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27/3



*課程包括10堂Intensive Class (逢星期六 2:15-3:45pm) , 學員需於3/5/2020前完成


- 加深學員對瑜伽各方面的理解

- 強化體位練習,並透過氣與意識的整合,達至身心靈平衡

- 令學員在完成課程後能自信地教授瑜伽
























Sheila Chan (E-RYT 500)




- 500-hour Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course (International Yoga Academy)

- 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course - Multistyle Yoga (Trimurti yoga)



$27888 (2019年12月31日前報名)

$30888 (正價)


完成課程及合格的同學,可以獲發由Yoga Alliance 認証的RYT 200 資格。


- Self-Discovery -

200-hour yoga teacher training course (RYT-200)


Date and time:



Saturday and Sunday (9:00am-7:00pm)

22, 23, 29/2

1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29/3

4, 5, 10-13/4 (Easter Holiday)


Wednesday and Friday (6:30pm-10:00pm)

26, 28/2

4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27/3


*10 Intensive classes are included in this course. Participants should complete the classes before 3/5/2020.



Prepare the participants to be ready to teach yoga, and fully understand yoga in every aspects by self-experience so that can share the knowledge to others.





Hatha yoga postures will be the map for this training program. The alignment, the sanskrit name, the benefits & contraindications, breath, bandha, and suitable variations for each pose will be introduced. Through discussion, and active demonstration, participants will learn to do the poses themselves and assist others to approach the postures safely by cues and adjusting skills.


Yoga sequence

Participants will learn the authentic hatha yoga sequence, and vinyasa yoga sequence basic rules in order to design a safe & effective sequence for different needs.



Participants will learn some of the most classical yogic breathing techniques such as Kapalabhati and Nadi Shodhana. This course assists the participants to build a personal practice of yogic breathe to incorporate into their daily practice. At the end of the program the participants will have integrated these practices and, thus, will be able to incorporate pranayama into their teaching, as well.




Kriyas are cleansing and purification practices that prepare the participants for deeper yogic experiences. Participants will be introduced to some of the basic yet powerful kriya techniques, and incorporate the techniques into their daily practice routine.



Mantra & meditation

Participants will learn the seed syllables and some important mantras to connect to the divine through sacred sound. During the course, participants will be given different techniques to practice meditation; by self-experiencing, participants will come to understand what meditation is, and know how to guide others in basic meditation.



Yogic anatomy

This course teach the subtle bodies: the yogic anatomy of chakras, nadis, vayus and koshas, along with its application to yoga practice.




During the course, we will go through an introduction to the anatomy of the human body as it relates to the yoga postures. Also, we will explore the physical body including the nervous system, the muscular-skeletal system, knee and hip joints, the pelvis, the spine, and the circulatory system; in a very practical way, so the participants can apply it in their own practice and teachings.



Yoga Philosophy

Foundational philosophy will be mostly based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, with a particular focus on the 8 limbs of yoga. Participants will learn how to apply yoga sutras in yoga practice, in their teachings, and most importantly, in the everyday life. The important yoga scriptures such as Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads will also be introduced.



Teaching Methodology

We will discuss the teaching styles, and what qualities to be a good teacher. From the very beginning, participants will have chances to work with the other students, in groups, on teaching assignments; and assisting the teacher in the training; by doing so, participants will know how to teach on the yoga class with proper yoga sequence, demonstration, observation, giving cues & adjustment, and time management, according to the needs of individuals and different degree possible in a group setting.



Ayurveda & TCM

We will share the knowledge of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine in order to assist the participants in designing their yoga class and workshops. The participants will learn the basic rules and application of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the similarities between them.


About the teacher 

Sheila Chan

Sheila teaches yoga techniques, philosophy and teacher trainings across the countries and now based in Poland. She completed two yoga teacher trainings in Dharamsala and Chennai, India. She also practice Vipassana (taught by S.N. Goenka), which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation.



- 500-hour Intensive Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Certificate Course (International Yoga Academy)

- 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course - Multistyle Yoga (Trimurti yoga)

Tuition fee :$30,888
(Early-bird: $27,888, Before 31/12/2019)

*Full attendance is required for the course.

Participants will receive certificate authorized by Yoga Alliance. (RYT 200)



How to apply


To apply and inquiry of the course, please submit the form of application (click here). Once we received your application, we will reply you with course details and payment method within a week. If you have not received our email after one week, please DM or WhatsApp at 66505018 or 94471878

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