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Teacher Training


30小時瑜珈輪導師證書課程 (YA-CEP) Level 1 & 2

Level 1 (15小時) : 4-5/1/2020 (9:00am-5:30pm)
Level 2 (15小時) : 11-12/1/2020 (9:00am-5:30pm)

Level 1 & 2
Level 1
Level 2



當你躺上瑜珈輪的時候,你會發現整個背部都在伸展,放鬆背部繃緊的肌肉的同時,讓能量在心輪(Heart Chakra)之中能夠自由流動,練習後亦會感到身心充滿活力及滿足。

你亦可以用瑜珈輪作為練習前摺式(forward fold)的好幫手,在前彎時拉長整個背部,減少彎腰及寒背的問題。


本課程共有兩個部分(Level 1 &2),每一個部分會教授3個不同主題的Sequence。

Level 1
開啟上背及肩膊 (Upper back & Shoulder Sequence)
前彎練習之式子 (Forward-bending Sequence)
平衡練習之式子 (Balancing Sequence)

Level 2
瑜珈輪後彎練習 (Backbending Sequence)
力量及核心肌肉訓練 (Power Yoga Sequence)
瑜珈輪倒立練習 (Inverse Yoga Sequence)

Katie Mak (E-RYT 200)
自2007年起開始接觸瑜伽,先後考獲200及300小時瑜伽導師證書,更曾前往澳洲及印度Chennai進修並完成Master of Yoga & Naturopathy課程。
數年間,累積教授瑜伽輪的心得和經驗,及跟隨Dharma Yoga Wheel老師Darren取得瑜伽輪導師課程證書。Katie擅長利用瑜伽輪練習不同程度的動作,令學生享受瑜伽輪的好處和樂趣。

• 200小時瑜珈導師證書
• 300小時瑜珈導師證書
• 100小時產前產後瑜珈導師證書
• Master of Yoga & Naturopathy
• 15小時瑜珈輪證書課程
• 50小時Thai Yoga Massage 證書課程

查詢及報名可以DM或者whataspp 94471878/66505018

30-hour Wheel Yoga Teacher Training (YA-CEP)

Level 1 (15 hour): 4-5/1/2020 (9:00am-5:30pm)
Level 2 (15 hour): 11-12/1/2020 (9:00am-5:30pm)

Tuition Fee
Level 1 & 2
-Regular: $7488 (Early bird: $6988)
Level 1
-Regular: $3800 (Early Bird: $3588)
Level 2
-Regular: $4200 (Early Bitd: $3888)

*Suitable for yoga teachers or yoga practitioners who are interested in yoga wheel

With the aid of Yoga Wheel, you can do backbending and frontbending. You can build your strength and flexibility. You could correct body postures and restore a healthy spine. Yoga wheel is not only yoga props but a useful and practical tool in your yoga practice.

When you start to lay over the wheel and you will experience the beautiful benefits of the Yoga Wheel. It allows energy to flow freely in your heart chakra. You will feel energised and nurtured after practice.

When you try a forward bend with the aid of the wheel, you start to feel how much your back can extend and reduce the hunchback you may have!

There are lots of possibilities when you start to include yoga wheel in your practice and also your training. It’s also a great tool for you to safely unlock different parts of the body e.g. upper back & shoulders, lower back & hips etc.

The course is divided into two levels. There will be 3 yoga teaching sequences with different topics in each level.

Level 1
-History & Philosophy of Yoga Wheel
-Basics of applied anatomy when using Yoga Wheel
-How to incorporate Yoga Wheel in your practice and teaching
Upper back & Shoulder Sequence
Forward-bending Sequence
Balancing Sequence
-How to safely spot your students in the class

Level 2
-How to incorporate Yoga Wheel in your practice and teaching
Backbending Sequence
Power Yoga Sequence
Inverse Yoga Sequence
-How to safely spot your students in the class

Katie Mak (E-RTY 200)
Katie started her yoga journey since 2007 and earned her teacher training certificates in Hong Kong and Australia. She also completed the Master of Yoga & Naturopathy Course to deepen her knowledge in yoga. Katie’s teaching is fun yet practical. She could lead you how to teach yoga wheel with different approaches according to body types and class levels.

300-hr advanced hatha yoga teaching training certificate course(level 1-3)
200-hr yoga teaching training certificate course
100 hr RPYT Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training
Master of Yoga & Naturopathy
15-hour Yoga Wheel Teaching Certificate (level 1)
50-hour Thai Yoga Massage

*For any inquires, please DM us or whatsapp 94471878/66505018

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